Hidden Number Problem
在最近的很多比赛都遇到了这个Hidden Number Problem(HNP),所以抽个时间来仔细学习一下,然后马上要HGAME2023了,正好准备一下题目给新生写。
HNP问题第一次被提出是在这篇论文中 “Hardness of computing the most significant bits of secret keys in Diffie-Hellman and related schemes” by Dan Boneh and Ramarathnam Venkatesan。HNP问题本来是用来研究Diffie-Hellman共享密钥中的最高有效位是否与整个秘密一样难以计算?并且D. Boneh和R. Venkatesan还展示了一种有效的算法,用于在有足够大的位泄漏的情况下恢复密钥。
How is the HNP defined
论文中首先提出了most significant bits(MSB)的定义。首先令$p$是一个素数,$n$是$p$的二进制位数,即$n=log_2(p)$,用$x\ mod\ p$来表示一个定义在有限域的数$a \in GF(p)$,即$x \equiv a \pmod{p}$。定义$MSB_k(x)$的值为$t$并且 $(t-1)\cdot p/2^k\leq x <t \cdot p/2^k$,或者更简单的定义 $$ MSB_k(x)=z,\quad |x-z|< p/2^k $$
About the $MSB_k(x)$
一看到most signficant bits可能很多人都会想当然的认为是$x$的最高$k$位。其实不然,根据定义,可以写一个小demo
from random import randint
from sage.all import *
from Crypto.Util.number import getPrime
# Some parameters of the game, chosen for simplicity.
# p - A prime number for our field.
p = getPrime(128)
# n - The number of bits in `p`.
n = ceil(log(p, 2))
# k - The number of significant bits revealed by the oracle.
# Using parameters from Thereom 1.
k = ceil(sqrt(n)) + ceil(log(n, 2))
print(f"The number of significant bits = {k}")
def msb(query):
"""Returns the MSB of query based on the global paramters p, k.
while True:
z = randint(1, p-1)
answer = abs(query - z)
if answer < p / 2**(k+1):
return z
x = randint(1, p-1)
print(f"x = {x}")
print(f"MSB's output = {msb(x)}")
print(f"most k bit of x = {x >> (n - k)}")
The number of significant bits = 19
x = 54914319491231438995398843041850226262
MSB's output = 54914493779494223381640832877194242316
|MSB(x) - x| = 124182961411716441204715130169529
most k bit of x = 84608
然后定义Hidden Number Problem(HNP):确定$p$和$k$,已知$MSB_k(\alpha g^x\ mod \ p)$求$\alpha$。
论文中提到如果可以请求到正确的$MSB_k(\alpha\cdot t\ mod\ p)$,这里$t=g^x$,那么恢复$\alpha$是一件简单的事情。
Main Results
Theorem 1
令$\alpha$是定义在有限域$GF(p)$的一个数, $k=\lceil\sqrt{n}\rceil+\lceil\log n\rceil$,$\mathcal{O}(t)=\operatorname{MSB}_{k}(\alpha t \bmod p)$。存在一种算法A可以在多项式时间内解决HNP。
$$ \underset{t_{1}, \ldots, t_{d}}{\operatorname{Pr}}\left[A\left(t_{1}, \ldots, t_{d}, \mathcal{O}\left(t_{1}\right), \ldots, \mathcal{O}\left(t_{d}\right)\right)=\alpha\right] \geq \frac{1}{2} $$
Theorem 2
设$k=\lceil\sqrt{n}\rceil+\lceil\log{n}\rceil$ ,给出一个有效的算法从$g^a, g^b$计算$MSB_k(g^{ab})$,存在一个算法可以在多项式时间内计算$g^{ab}$。也就是已知$MSB_k(g^{ab})$求$g^{ab}$。
$$ L=\left{y: y=\sum_{i=1}^{d} t_{i} b_{i}, t_{i} \in \mathbb{Z}\right} $$
接下来证明Theorem 1。
$d=2\lceil\sqrt{n}\rceil$,$k=k=\lceil\sqrt{n}\rceil+\lceil\log n\rceil$,然后假设我们已经获得了$d$个正确的MSB oracle $a_1, \cdots, a_d$,对应的输入为$t_1,\cdots,t_d$。根据MSB的定义,我们有对于所有的a和t
$$ |\alpha t_i\ mod\ p-a_i|\leq p/2^k $$
$$ \left(\begin{array}{cccccc} p & 0 & 0 & \ldots & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & p & 0 & \ldots & 0 & 0 \\ & \vdots & & & & \vdots \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & \ldots & p & 0 \\ t_{1} & t_{2} & t_{3} & \ldots & t_{d} & 1 / p \end{array}\right) $$
$$ v_{\alpha}=(r_1,\cdots,r_d,\alpha/p) $$
说明$v_{\alpha}$确实存在与格$L$中,其中 $r_i=\alpha t_i\ mod\ p$,于是
$$ |r_i - a_i|<p/2^k\quad i\in[1,d] $$
$$ ||u-v_{\alpha}||<\sqrt{\sum^{d-1}_{i=1}(a_i-r_i)^2+(\frac{\alpha}{p})^2} \le \sqrt{d+1}p/2^k $$
Example & Demo
demo from kel.
from random import randint
from sage.all import *
from Crypto.Util.number import getPrime
# Some parameters of the game, chosen for simplicity.
# p - A prime number for our field.
p = getPrime(128)
# n - The number of bits in `p`.
n = ceil(log(p, 2))
# k - The number of significant bits revealed by the oracle.
# Using parameters from Thereom 1.
k = ceil(sqrt(n)) + ceil(log(n, 2))
print(f"The number of significant bits = {k}")
d = 2*ceil(sqrt(n))
def msb(query):
"""Returns the MSB of query based on the global paramters p, k.
while True:
z = randint(1, p-1)
answer = abs(query - z)
if answer < p / 2**(k+1):
return z
def create_oracle(alpha):
"""Returns a randomized MSB oracle using the specified alpha value.
alpha = alpha
def oracle():
random_t = randint(1, p-1)
return random_t, msb((alpha * random_t) % p)
return oracle
def build_basis(oracle_inputs):
"""Returns a basis using the HNP game parameters and inputs to our oracle
basis_vectors = []
for i in range(d):
p_vector = [0] * (d+1)
p_vector[i] = p
basis_vectors.append(list(oracle_inputs) + [QQ(1)/QQ(p)])
return Matrix(QQ, basis_vectors)
def approximate_closest_vector(basis, v):
"""Returns an approximate CVP solution using Babai's nearest plane algorithm.
BL = basis.LLL()
G, _ = BL.gram_schmidt()
_, n = BL.dimensions()
small = vector(ZZ, v)
for i in reversed(range(n)):
c = QQ(small * G[i]) / QQ(G[i] * G[i])
c = c.round()
small -= BL[i] * c
return (v - small).coefficients()
# Hidden alpha scalar
alpha = randint(1, p-1)
# Create a MSB oracle using the secret alpha scalar
oracle = create_oracle(alpha)
# Using terminology from the paper: inputs = `t` values, answers = `a` values
inputs, answers = zip(*[ oracle() for _ in range(d) ])
# Build a basis using our oracle inputs
lattice = build_basis(inputs)
print("Solving CVP using lattice with basis:\n%s\n" % str(lattice))
# The non-lattice vector based on the oracle's answers
u = vector(ZZ, list(answers) + [0])
print("Vector of MSB oracle answers:\n%s\n" % str(u))
# Solve an approximate CVP to find a vector v which is likely to reveal alpha.
v = approximate_closest_vector(lattice, u)
print("Closest lattice vector:\n%s\n" % str(v))
# Confirm the recovered value of alpha matches the expected value of alpha.
recovered_alpha = (v[-1] * p) % p
assert recovered_alpha == alpha
print("Recovered alpha! Alpha is %d" % recovered_alpha)
Refer to
- The Hidden Number Problem
- Hardness of computing the most significant bits of secret keys in Diffie-Hellman and related schemes” by Dan Boneh and Ramarathnam Venkatesan